Is Bottled Water DOUBLING the Amount of Microplastics in Your Body?

Posted by: On February 17, 2023 4:00 pm

In October last year, research scientists in Italy made the shocking discovery that microplastics are passed from mother to baby in breastmilk. The same team found microplastics in human placentas during research in 2020.

34 test subjects were monitored and microplastics were identified in 75% of the breastfeeding mothers’ milk.


Is Bottled Water DOUBLING the Amount of Microplastics in Your Body


Microplastics & Your Body

We should perhaps not be surprised, as gloomy as the news is. After all, microplastics are everywhere – in the air, our food and packaged drinks. In separate research, microplastics were found in human blood, which means that they are being transported around the human body and organs 24/7.

Your body does not expel all microplastics. It’s too soon to be able to …

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Potential Effects of Microplastic Exposure on Tap Water

Posted by: On February 3, 2021 12:06 pm

Fancy a side order of microplastic particles with that glass of tap water? If you choose to drink water from the faucet, then you might not get a choice.


Potential Effects of Microplastic Exposure on Tap Water


What are microplastics?

Are microplastics found in tap water?

Can microplastics be removed from tap water?

Are microplastics dangerous to health?

Can a water ionizer help to reduce the number of microplastics I drink?

What are microplastics?

Microplastics is a word that commonly refers to plastic contamination in the form of minute particles.

Microplastics are rife in bottled water and are also coursing through the municipal water in virtually every town and city in the US.

“We knew that this plastic is coming back to us through our food

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