Eraldo Maglara and Tyent Water!

Posted by: On September 18, 2017 11:05 pm

You know, Eraldo Maglara, Executive Producer and host of “Healthy Lifestyle With Eraldo” is quite a guy.  Media personality, author and celebrity and personal trainer, there’s no denying that Eraldo’s resume is pretty impressive!  

Eraldo Maglara
Author, fitness guru and television host Eraldo Maglara.
High-Energy Expert!

Eraldo’s combination of high-energy delivery, authentic expertise and that all-important likeability factor means that millions of people regularly tune in to his show for inspiration and entertainment!  

A bone-fide authority on his subject, Eraldo holds a Personal Fitness Degree from the National Personal Training Institute and has written and presented extensively on healthful living and fitness.  In short, no-one is better placed to recognize a genuine opportunity to improve your health and well being!  

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Allison Tibbs – Personal Fitness Trainer

Posted by: On September 12, 2017 7:00 am

San Francisco-based Allison Tibbs is a Personal Trainer, Healthy Lifestyle Coach and all-round inspiration when it comes to treating your body right!  If you haven’t discovered her awesome pages yet, then you’re in for a treat!   

Allison Tibbs and Tyent Water – now that’s a dreamteam!
What Are YOU Capable Of?

Allison is all about energy and encouragement! Letting you in on her workouts, some exceptionally photogenic food and motivational quotes, Allison manages to reach out to even the couchiest of couch potatoes and show them what their brilliant bodies are capable of!

Inspiring Everyone!

Some healthy living blogs can be little more than a showcase for the author’s own achievements.  Allison’s Instagram Feed sure celebrates her successes but …

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Smile Brighter with a Water Ionizer!

Posted by: On September 7, 2017 12:00 pm

No cosmetic or Instagram filter can rival your true greatest asset – a bright, natural smile.  

Tyent Water is always worth smiling about!
Take Good Care of Your Teeth

As well as a good brushing and flossing routine, most of us know how to take care of our teeth – trips to the dentist, changing our toothbrush regularly and not eating and drinking too many sugary things.

Sparkling Water Harms Tooth Enamel?

But drinking sparkling water must be okay, right?  Not so, according to recent comments by Dr. Edmond R. Hewlett, spokesperson for the American Dental Association.

Those bubbles are created by adding carbon dioxide.  It’s not sugary, but it is acidic, and it’s the acid that can be …

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Don’t Worry – Get a Water Ionizer

Posted by: On August 29, 2017 7:00 am

Are you one of the 63% of people in America worried about the ongoing water crisis?  The data from Gallup’s annual Environment poll, which was conducted in March 2017, shows that a large majority of people are concerned about the safety of their drinking water.

Are you one of the 63%?

Gallup first started tracking polled results regularly in 1999.  The findings show that people are more worried about water safety than they have been since 2001.  The collective concerns undoubtedly reflect the media spotlight that has unflinchingly shone on America’s water infrastructure problems, widely uncovered as a result of the Flint crisis.

The $1Trillion Problem

It’s no surprise that so many people worry about environmental pollution and …

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Water Ionizers – The Foodie’s Best Friend!

Posted by: On August 24, 2017 12:00 pm

Love nothing more than rustling up delicious food for friends and family?  Enjoy dicing, slicing and sautéing as much as some people love watching a good movie?  Can you spot the ripest tomato in the bowl at 20 paces?

Love to cook?  You’ll enjoy it even more with a Tyent Ionizer!

If you answered yes to any of these questions (and even if you didn’t!), did you know that a water ionizer in the kitchen is perfect for food lovers?

 A Raw Deal?

Let’s start with the raw ingredients.  Organic food is free of herbicides and pesticides, but it costs more to produce and so the price of buying organic tends to be higher.  So you buy regular produce …

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Summer Beauty Special with Ionized Water! 

Posted by: On August 23, 2017 7:00 am

Holidays, weddings, backyard BBQs…there always seems to be something going on in the summer!

A Tyent Ionizer might be your best beauty buy yet!’

It’s fun to dress up and make more effort than usual to look our best, but what else can we do to give ourselves that extra je ne sais quoi?

Natural Radiance From Your Water Ionizer

Forget flattering filters…did you know that a water ionizer doesn’t only hydrate you, but it can be your best buddy when it comes to looking fantastic?  To help us all shine in the sun, we’ve rounded up five amazing ways that your water ionizer can help you get your glam on this summer!

  1. Super Shiny Hair! Using water from
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Keep Your Cool With a Water Ionizer!

Posted by: On August 17, 2017 12:00 pm

We all need to drink around 2 liters of water every day to stay properly hydrated.  That still applies to anyone with a sedentary lifestyle or sitting at a desk job.  But sometimes, our bodies need more.

Whatever you do during the day, make sure you drink Tyent Water.
A Thirst for Fitness! 

If you play sports, take an exercise class, go hiking or enjoy any of the fantastic fitness opportunities available to most of us — you need to increase the amount of water you drink.

To be fair, that’s common knowledge.  After all, our bodies tell us that we’re thirsty, so we sip some water.  But why?  What happens inside our body that means we should drink more?  …

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Hit the Beach With Ionized Water!

Posted by: On August 15, 2017 7:00 am

Sunglasses?  New book?  Hat?  Water?  Check!

Just add water…
Lazing On a Sunny Afternoon?

Don’t even think about hitting the beach or lakeside this summer without making sure you have the essentials.  In sun-soaked Australia, a popular health campaign recommended that people should “Slip, Slop, Slap.”  In other words: “Slip on a shirt, slop on the sunscreen and slap on a hat.” 

Sun Safety and Water Ionizers

That original advice has now been extended to “Slip, Slop, Slap, Seek, Slide.”  The last two additions prompt us to seek out shade and slide on some sunglasses as well, to make sure we stay safe in the sun.  It’s great advice!  While the sun can equal lots of fun and …

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Top 5 Tips to Look Younger Than Your Years

Posted by: On August 14, 2017 12:00 pm


Special thanks to guest blogger Lori Shemek, Ph.D. 

When we think of anti-aging, most people conjure up a plethora of creams, potions or outright notions. However, aging more youthfully or what I refer to as “Youthing” begins not merely on the outside of the body, but the inside of the body.

When you think about how the body responds to healthy, nutrient-dense foods, water and other healthful choices, you can’t deny the obvious fact, that keeping our cellular machinery intact is key not just to health…but to ultimately aging younger.

Increasing one’s health span and longevity that leads to a more youthful looking you, begins with your diet – what you feed your cells along with implementing other lifestyle …

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Water Ionizers and the “Swiss Cheese” Scare Story

Posted by: On August 10, 2017 12:00 pm

We learned a little more this week about how lead ended up flowing out the taps in Flint.  Researchers at the University of Michigan have released their forensic conclusions on how the crisis took shape.

Some of the Flint evidence has more holes in it than this.
The “Swiss Cheese” Evidence

Officials had put forward a claim that failure to add anti-corrosion chemicals hadn’t impacted on the eventual contamination of the water.  This assertion was undermined by the researchers’ discovery of “a Swiss cheese pattern” in the aging pipework cause by corrosion.

The research team goes on to emphasize the importance of ensuring that anti-corrosion chemicals are used in all of America’s aging water systems to prevent lead-laced water reaching …

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