Comparing Reverse Osmosis and Alkaline Ionized Water

With all of the news reports and hearsay going around about the contaminants in our water—from the kitchen faucet to the beach—it makes sense to be critical of the H20 we ingest. If you care about your health, you know hydration is important, and you also probably know about the contamination, chemicals, and other grime hiding in much of our tap water.

We all want clean water, but can some water be nearly too clean? Reverse osmosis water is extremely clean, since all impurities are removed from it prior to drinking. Clean water sounds excellent—in theory. Reverse-osmosis water is perfect for chemistry class or other situations when you need 100% pure water to avoid the negative effects of a bad chemical reaction. However, it isn’t the healthiest water you can consume, and it may not be too healthy for you in the first place.

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Here’s why: The water produced from a reverse-osmosis system is devoid of the many good minerals naturally found in water. In removing all of the harmful chemicals and contaminants, reverse-osmosis destroys the beneficial stuff, too, leaving you with a glass of “dead water” that’s also acidic.

Ingesting acidic substances and foods isn’t healthy for our bodies. Acidic foods and drinks make our bodies work extra hard to balance them out, and unfortunately, most of the modern-day diet is acidic: soft drinks, energy drinks, sports drinks, and processed foods are all in the high-acidity category, instead of the more gentle-on-your-body alkaline category.

Drinking reverse-osmosis water adds to the unhealthy acid that we’re already consuming, putting a real strain on our bodies’ internal acidity and alkalinity balance. In addition, reverse-osmosis water contains no healthy minerals or antioxidants.

In contrast, Tyent alkaline ionized water is antioxidant-rich, alkaline, and ionized. It’s certainly still clean, as it’s twice-filtered, but ionization doesn’t completely erase the good qualities of water from within. Water from a Tyent water ionizer is also micro-clustered, allowing it to absorb quickly into our cells and hydrate our bodies more fully.

A body that is overly acidic is at risk for health problems, so why contribute to your body’s acid levels with the water you drink? Learn more about the benefits of alkaline ionized water and check out Tyent water ionizers to see how the most advanced water available today can stream to your glass from your own home faucet.

11 thoughts on “Comparing Reverse Osmosis and Alkaline Ionized Water

  1. do you have a tyent water ionizer unit/units designed exclusively for 3rd world country like the Philippines ?
    appreciate your response asap.

    1. Romulo: Thank you for your patience. I looked into this for you, and we’ve successfully shipped ionizers to the Phillippines in the past. Basically the only requirement is that it has to be adapted for 220 volt electric supply, and we can have the unit geared for that before we send it to you.

      Water ionization is universal, but our custom pre-filters allow us to remove a vast number of contaminants. We would run water reports for your particular area and then build a pre-filtration solution to effectively purify and ionize the water.

      Sound good to you? So that we can help you get the perfect ionizer, please call us!

      1. thanks for your most-anticipated response to my query.frankly, i do have the mmp 7070 ionizer and my problem is that after having the filters changed after three months of using it the alkaline water hardly comes out; it was only dripping and the filter indicator tells me that it has 1/2 more usage to go. i disconnected it and just put it aside. i bought this machine about 2 yrs ago from your company when my wife and i were still in the US.

    2. Romulo Patricio: HELLO!!! You’re still in the dark ages if you consider the Philippines “3rd world”!!!

      FYI: KANGEN machines producing ionized water and invented by a Japanese have been in the market in the Philippines since 2002!!! To date, a quarter of a million KANGEN machines, each costing an average of $3,000 (yes, US dollars!) have been sold not only in Metro Manila, but also in Cebu, Bacolod, etc., etc.

      I am sorry that you Filipinos seem to look down on your own country! Get real! Get educated! Get patriotic!

  2. Thank you for this wonderful article! I have been wanting to see something like this; the differences between water. I was wondering though, if you could even expand on this further; so I could share it with my clients.

    I have a love for Ionizers for many different reasons and I can’t wait to get mine in the hopefully near future.

    But can you do an article on the differences of tap water, bottled water vs alkaline water as well?

    Thanks again for this great article!

    1. Hey, Jennie – Thanks for the suggestion! We hope to have more blog posts like this coming soon (comparing tap water and bottled water). Bookmark our blog homepage and you’ll be sure to see the latest. We appreciate you reading.

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