Water, Water Everywhere…

Posted by: On February 7, 2018 12:00 pm

It sounds obvious, but water is everywhere at the moment.  From Guillermo del Toro’s The Shape of Water cleaning up during awards season; the reckless craze for so-called “Raw Water”; the fact that South Africa’s Cape Town is about to reach Day Zero when the water runs out, and closer to home, that America’s own water supply is barely out of the news these days.  

Water is making headlines every day.
What Do We Want From Water?

Water is big news.  Of course it is, it’s a massive part of our lives.  We depend on it for life itself and yet we’re all guilty of wasting it from time to time.  So how did we become so complacent about

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Why Reverse Osmosis Is NOT the Answer to Chromium-6

Posted by: On February 6, 2018 7:00 am

The cancer-causing contaminant Chromium-6, brought to the public gaze by Erin Brockovich, is at levels exceeding public health goals in 50 states.

Chromium-6 – Here to Stay?

Millions of people are trying to find a workable solution to protect themselves and their families and to avoid drinking contaminated water.  

What Reverse Osmosis Water Does to the Pipeline

A reverse osmosis water system is sometimes touted as a possible solution on both a domestic and municipal level.  After all, it removes contaminants and that’s the goal, right?

Unfortunately, reverse osmosis is not a solution on either front.  On a city-wide basis, aside from the prohibitive cost of building the plant, the stripped-back water – though admittedly free of contaminants –

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Half of All Americans Have Radiation in Their Water

Posted by: On February 1, 2018 12:00 pm

According to this report published in January by the Environmental Working Group (EWG), 173 million people – around half of all Americans – have been exposed to radiation in their drinking water.  That means an increase in the possibility of developing certain types of cancer and can also have a detrimental effect on fetal development.  

Radioactive elements enter our groundwater…and stay there.
The “Erin Brockovich” Chemical

By studying 50,000 water systems countrywide, the EWG found that millions of people across 50 states are drinking water that contains radioactive contaminants; including the most commonly-occurring radioactive element, radium.

In Texas – one of the worst affected states – up to 80% of homes are supplied with water containing potentially dangerous levels of

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The Environmentally Friendly Odd Couple?

Posted by: On January 30, 2018 7:00 am

Back in November last year we talked about America Recycles Day, a great cause supported by Keep America Beautiful.

We all need to do more of this.

Now, it’s easy to think about the bottled water industry being right at the other end of any “Earth-friendly” scale, but some recent news is heartening and perhaps surprising.  

Planet-Friendly Partnership

On January 17, at the 2018 Keep America Beautiful National Conference, the International Bottled Water Association (IBWA) announced that it would be sponsoring the Keep America Beautiful initiative. 

“We stand committed to helping Americans better understand recycling and its potential for economic, environmental and community benefits by working with all stakeholders—manufacturers; the waste management industry; government entities; other nonprofit

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Resolution?  What Resolution?

Posted by: On January 25, 2018 12:00 pm

If you’re among the just-over-half of the population who didn’t make a New Year resolution, then by now you might fall into one of two camps.  The first is being oblivious to the whole thing and simply getting on with life without the pressure/pleasure of a self-imposed goal to work towards.

Does your Near Year resolution look something like this?

The second camp includes those who look on with a touch of envy at the bright-eyed fervor of those winning at their resolutions.  They have a goal.  A “thing.” Something to help pass the long, decidedly un-festive January days.  Dry January?  Veganuary?   At this stage of the month, if you haven’t given something up, then you might be feeling a

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Just Add Salt?  The New Way that Salt is Harming Our Health

Posted by: On January 23, 2018 7:00 am

Something else has been identified as a potential health hazard in our water.  To add to the cocktail of potential contaminants that flow out of taps across America, salt has recently been identified as the latest water worry.  

Do you really need more salt?
How Our Soil Gets Salty

Increased use of road salt is a major cause, as is mining, fossil-fuel production and the use of some fertilizers.  The salt seeps into the ground where excessive sodium dislodges the stable soil minerals such as calcium and potassium, changing the composition of the soil itself.

Of course, whatever is in the soil will end up seeping through to our water supply.  The salty water eventually trickles through the layers of

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A Raw Deal?

Posted by: On January 18, 2018 12:00 pm

The latest trend that seems to be gathering attention in 2018 is the craze for drinking so-called “raw water.”

Raw Water is not necessarily pure water.

When a small, Oregon-based start-up company started selling “pristine mountain spring water” to people in the San Francisco area, they tapped into the fashionable notion that the more “natural” something is, then the better for you it will be.

What is “Raw Water”?

Raw water is, quite simply, water that springs from the earth; or in this particular case, from “an ancient aquifer.” It is completely untreated and unfiltered.

One of several companies selling raw water around the country says that filtering and treating water to remove contaminants “disrupts healthy bacterias” that would otherwise

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Which Important Resolution Should You Make This Year?

Posted by: On January 4, 2018 12:00 pm

It’s that time of year again!  The tinsel is packed away, the present buying frenzy is but a distant memory and our thoughts turn to New Year resolutions.

How many of us feel like exactly like this, post-Christmas?
What Do You Want to Change?

It’s easy to be blasé about making resolutions, and lots of people don’t bother on the basis that if we want to change something, then we should get on and do it, instead of waiting for the “right” date in the calendar.

But that’s ignoring the special lure of resolution making.  If you want to change something in your life and stick to it, then New Year is the perfect opportunity.  New broom, clean room, fresh …

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Are the Holidays Stealing Your Energy?  

Posted by: On December 26, 2017 6:06 pm

Forget The Grinch Who Stole Christmas.  This is far more serious, (and erm… real). The Christmas That Stole Your Energy needs fixing, and fast!

Have the holidays stolen your sparkle?
Partied Too Hearty?

It’s all too easy to run out of energy over the holidays.  Social engagements, parties, excited kids (everywhere, more every time you look up, it seems), rich food and maybe a few glasses of wine more than you usually drink?  It’s hard work having fun!   

All of these things are energy thieves.  And when you’re tired, it’s pretty easy to just throw yourself into the nearest armchair and watch It’s a Wonderful Life again/snooze it off/wait for the kids to grow up.

Tempting, but if you want

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Forget Detox. It’s Time to Pretox.

Posted by: On December 13, 2017 3:50 pm

Detox is for January.  We will reach those cold, post-Christmas days soon enough.  Our glittery Christmas dress hung away, its sparkle dimmed at the back of the closet and the freezer filled with little vacuum packs of turkey.

Woman sleeping peacefully...
Get some Zzz’s in while you can!

But for now, the buzzword is Pretox.

Prepare Your Body

From now until the start of the Christmas frenzy is the perfect time to prepare your body for the onslaught of less sleep, more socializing, rich food and higher levels of alcohol than you perhaps usually consume.

In order to feel strong and healthy over the holidays, so that you’re always up for more festive fun, follow our five-point Pretox checklist!

  1. Get some sleep
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