Weight Loss Expert Bex Reveals Her Top 3 Tips

Posted by: On August 28, 2015 1:02 pm

Do you know how much five pounds is? A lamp, a small sack of flour, and your favorite pair of boots all weigh about five pounds.

That may not seem like a lot, but imagine carrying it around with you all day, over time the extra effort would add up. So, don’t do it anymore! Lose five pounds fast with these three easy tips from BexLife.

  1. Write It Before You Bite It


Keeping a food diary is a great way to keep track of what you are eating and hold yourself accountable for your choices.

“Studies show that when you keep track of everything that you eat, you’re more mindful about your food decisions and you’re less likely to overeat.”

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How to Lose Weight Like a Celebrity Using Alkaline Water

Posted by: On August 26, 2015 12:50 pm

Weighing It Up

I’m pretty sure I’m not alone in wondering how the celebrities we see in magazines and on the screen manage to look…different. Even, dare I say it, better…than mere mortals? 


Well, better than me anyway. If you already get mistaken for various members of the Kardashian clan, then feel free to stop reading, and go back to taking selfies of your fabulous self in a series of ‘Pouting? Moi?’ and ‘Aw…this old thing?’ style-snaps to entertain the less physically blessed among us. Yep. That’ll be me again. 

Anyway, the good news is that you too can harness the tips of the rich and famous by following our five step guide!

The ‘Unconventional’…

  1. Portion Control. It’s obvious, right?
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Lose Weight Fast with a Delicious Alkaline Water Smoothie

Posted by: On August 3, 2015 2:00 pm

Tyent alkaline water is high in antioxidants and balances the pH of the body, properties which fight the aging process and protect against disease. However, alkaline water is more than just a health supplement. It is also a weight loss tool. http://tyentusa.com/amazing-benefits.Fotolia_62456154_Subscription_Monthly_M

Alkaline Water Is Essential to Health


All cells in the body require water to operate efficiently. Naturally, water is lost throughout our daily lives and must be replaced. The Institute of Medicine recommends that men drink 3 liters of water a day and women drink 2.2 liters. Unfortunately, those numbers are rarely met. A 2013 study by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention found that at least 80% of the population doesn’t drink enough water.


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Weight Loss and Alkaline Water: How to Detox Naturally Without Expensive Pills and Juices

Posted by: On July 29, 2015 5:38 pm

Is it possible to detox and lose weight without the latest fad diet pills and antioxidant “super” foods? Of course. And for less money, too.


Fads Just Don’t Work

One of my friends struggled with her weight for the past five years. We’ll call her Mary. Like a lot of us, Mary took more than just a diploma away from her 4-year stint at college.

She tried everything she could get her hands on. Every week Mary was talking about a different pill, cleanser, program, diet…you name it, she probably tried it.

Sometimes she’d see a little success but get discouraged when the results weren’t fast enough. Mary was stuck in a vicious circle of wasting money, losing weight and

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